Monday, November 29, 2010

Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai - Episode 08

She'll got herself an anime! - Really? this doesn't happened in the light novel (she got her novel an anime adaptation with someone). Surely they changed it but who cares?! as long as this episode focuses in Kirino's novel getting an anime adaptation it will work perfectly fine. That was what I'm thinking at first. But set it aside let's talk about the new opening sequence. Thanks to my friend who's addicted to Gunpla!
I could name mazinger Z only!
 The suppose to be psychics - Kirino ended-up with her otaku friends helping her ass. Of course she'll brag about her novel having an anime adaptation to KuroNeko, which made me pissed. Anyway, thank god Fate-san, the editor of whatever the title of that novel is, has a super cool name thus KuroNeko agreed to baby-sit Kirino's ass.
At the meeting, they look so bad ass, it's like they gonna devour our three little heroines of the show. The guy in a brown Jacket is the director .... he's a total sucker being deceived by the guy right next to him, the four-eyed guy in a white-whatever. I mean, he ended up agreeing on what he said. Damn that director! he is so stupid.
Poor Kirino. All her ideas got turned around. I kinda feel sympathetic. 
The two psychics reported what happened to the meeting and Aniki came up with a resolve... they went to the second meeting~
 That guy is pissed by some middle school got loli! - it sure is entertaining to watch KuroNeko verbally abusing adults. That's the anime trend now. 
Aniki beg for Imouto - I really don't get it! I really really don't get it at all! He admitted he hates Kirino to the bone but Kyousuke still helps his little sister. I think he just want to be seen by others as a good older brother. That's what I'm thinking about the current situation of Oreimo.
A sad shot of Kuro-Neko. Must've been nice. You can have me as you Onii-chan.
Kyou saved your novel for being scrap and you'll bitch her again! You!!!!!
The last counseling. Yeah, I wonder what it is.~

Overall, a very painful episode, though it's entertaining, thanks to KuroNeko. If the episode was trying to let the audience to see what's behind the anime industry then they really fail for good! End of post. getting lazy.